tisdag 1 april 2014

"I've been looking for you, lone star"

You know when something is so good that it hurts? It can be a song, a movie or maybe a book. Sometimes I can't even bare to see certain movies because they're too good. I simply don't have the energy to deal with the explosion of emotions and instead choose to watch something lighter. Now I have waited a long time to see "Dallas buyers club". Because of the movies story line and all of the great praise it has received I knew it was going to be grand. Without even having seen the movie I knew I would love Jared Leto more than I already do and the thought of it honestly made me tired. I think we all have one or several people who we look up to and admire so much that we can hardly cope with it. While doing that we must not forget how amazing we are as well, but I'd give a lot to get some of Jared's self-control , wisdom and artistry. Tonight I had a major movie-marathon. I was planning on going to bed at 4 am but at that moment I suddenly had the urge to watch "Dallas buyers club". Typical. Even before I started watching it I knew I wouldn't be able stop until the whole movie was over.

And I was right. So right. I am naming my first born girl Rayon, God damn it.

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